Child Custody Attorney Tustin who Focuses on your Child’s Well-being


Child custody orders and visitation agreements are made by keeping in mind the child’s best interest. When you hire Mr. Eric Nakasu, a child custody attorney Tustin to represent your case, you get an experienced attorney with sound knowledge of California law and court systems. We work with both parents to devise a parenting plan that specifically meets your goals and aligns with your child’s best interests.

 California courts consider children’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being when determining their best interests. 

The ultimate goal of any family law judge is to ensure that they are properly raised and provided for during their formative years. Our child custody attorneys work with the same principle and secure your child’s well-being primarily.

We can also help you with Modification and Enforcement Orders

In California, child custody orders are modified if a parent can prove a significant change of circumstances since the original award. Along with the change in circumstances, you also need to prove that the change is necessary for your child’s best interests.

Mr. Eric M Nakasu can represent you if you want to obtain a modification or enforcement of child custody orders. Our team can use their expertise to assist you in all possible scenarios.

 Do you Need a Child Custody Attorney in Tustin?

If you need a child custody attorney in Tustin, we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule a complimentary initial consultation to learn more about our services. Call (714) 916-9800 today.


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